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It's about the price of fuel!!
Who can afford to haul their RV
all over the countryside anymore?

Come stay at our mountain playground
and save a ton on fuel!
We are a Hidden Gem.

Here's How to Find Us.

From Yahk, head south on Hwy 95 to the intersection with Hwy 3.
See where it says "Curzon" on the map?
Right there, you're going to turn left 
and go up Kings Creek Forestry Service Road for about 100 yards.
There you will find the entrance to 3 Valley on your left.

It's a long road down into camp.
Drive carefully ... and be patient.
Did I mention that we're hidden?
Trust me, it will be well worth the drive.

In case my description is confusing, the second map shows a red trail as to how to get in.
A closer view ... with red lines to show route in.